International Education for Global Leadership

Hello! Welcome to BIA's Volunteer Corner!
Dear Parents,
You, our parent volunteers, are an integral part of our school. You add so much to the educational and enrichment experiences that our children have at BIA; we appreciate your help.
Our parents and staff have created this handbook to give you some guidelines about your participation.
We hope that these guidelines build your confidence and give you some direction; we want to ensure that you feel the time you spent here was worthwhile.
Remember, there are countless ways of contributing your support, whether it's making phone calls, attending meetings or helping within the school (cafeteria, dismissal, recess, etc.) Here is a list of volunteer opportunities:
Hosting Intern/Teacher: This is a great opportunity for language and cultural learning for your student and family. Your family will have the opportunity to get to know someone from another country and culture, as well as your child having direct daily conversations with the Intern/Teacher in the target language. For more detailed information, please contact Lisa Eimer at 443-278-9417.
BIA Website: Homework Updates every Monday: Every Monday, the homework for the week in every grade and language is updated on the BIA Website. This can be done from home. Training is provided. This task can be split between two (2) volunteers so that it does not fall on one (1) person to do weekly. You will need to be able to update the BIA Website on Mondays during the school year.
Assisting Classroom Teacher: Classroom teachers can always use volunteers to help with non-academic duties. Some examples are: making copies for the teacher (can be done at school), sharpening pencils (can be done at home), cutting out school materials (can be done at home), etc.
Cafeteria Monitors: Volunteers are needed during the school lunch hours between 10:00 am and 1:00 pm daily to assist the staff with monitoring the students in the cafeteria.
Front Desk Greeter: Volunteers are needed to sit at the front desk located in the school’s front lobby area to greet guests to BIA and direct them to the school office to sign-in and to remind guests to sign-out upon leaving the school building.
Hall Monitor: Volunteers monitor the hallway areas by walking throughout the school building.
Recess Monitors: Volunteers assist the staff with monitoring the students during recess time(s). School Parking Lot Volunteers (Front & Rear Parking Lots): Volunteers are needed from 7:30 am to 8:00 am to monitor traffic and assist students exiting vehicles in the Kiss & Go Lane. Other volunteer opportunities include but are not limited to: Homeroom Parent, PTO (Parent Teacher Organization) Committees, School Office Volunteer
Whatever you do, please know how much you are appreciated.
Thank-you for your participation!